Julia Avita Mamaea
CommonName: Julia Mamaea
FullName: Julia Avita Mamaea
Reign: 222-235 AD
Title: Augusta
Died: 235 AD
Relationship: Mother of Alexander
Julia Mamaea was the daughter of Julia Maesa. She married the Syrian
Gessius Marcianus and bore a son, Severus Alexander. When Severus Alexander
was elevated to Caesar in 221 AD, jealous Elagabalus created a riot among
the praetorian guard. Upon the murder of Elagabalus by the guardsmen, Severus
Alexander became emperor. Julia Mamaea was a domineering mother to Severus
Alexander, increasing her power immensely after the death of Julia Maesa
in 226 AD when she assumed control of the state. Her domination of Severus
Alexander caused a mutiny in the legions; she and Severus Alexander were
murdered in 235 AD.
JULIA MAMAEA, mother of Alexander, d. 235 AD. AR Denarius (3.29 gm).
Draped bust / Juno standing holding patera and sceptre, peacock at feet.
RSC.35. XF.

Julia Mamaea, mother of Severus Alexander. 226 AD. Æ Sestertius
(19.78 gm). IVLIA MAMAEA AVGVSTA, diademed and draped bust right / VES-TA,
S-C across fields, Vesta standing left, holding Palladium and sceptre.
RIC IV 708 (Severus Alexander); BMCRE 389 (Severus Alexander); Cohen 83.
Nice VF.